Own Art talks to ABTV – ‘Your Guide To Whats On ArtBrowser TV’

ArtBrowser sat down with Own Art to discuss all things ABTV. You can read the full interview below.

It’s a brilliant month for galleries, as doors begin to open and artworks are receiving real-life visitors! It’s an even more exciting month for Own Art, as we welcome our new suite of partnerships to a fresh new start.

One of our partners is ArtBrowser, buckling down for another year with us and providing our network with brand new tech to keep you cultured and creative. Last year, upon their arrival to our partnership, we chatted to Rohit Shetty, Co-Founder & CEO of ArtBrowser, who introduced us to ArtBrowsers very own AI-powered curator installed to help tailor your searches to your tastes. This time we have the pleasure of speaking with Omar Ahmed (Eccentric O), Co-Founder and Creative Director, who is here to talk about their new platform ArtBrowser.TV and subsequently their new app, which you can download here.

“…a channel that resonates with next-gen creatives and is relatable to a wider audience…”

You’ve just launched ArtBrowser.tv – YAY! – What was the inspiration for this new platform?

Yes, we’re all super pleased. This has been on the cards for years, so very satisfying to see it come to fruition. We wanted to push our mission further with an on-demand video-based platform. As a team, we were inspired by a number of reasons to create an engaging video based platform. Our mission from day one has been to help more people connect with art and support the art ecosystem by breaking down barriers through innovation and digital media.

I feel there’s still a significant gap between the general public and the art world, in particular with the younger generation. Wanting to bridge the gap, we wanted to focus on building an arts channel that caters to the many, not the few; a channel that resonates with next-gen creatives and is relatable to a wider audience outside the art bubble; an MTV meets Netflix for art if you will.

Last year we pitched the ABTV concept to Innovate the UK, the UK’s innovation agency as part of their fast start competition. We ended up winning, which funded our development of ABTV and our ongoing mission to tackle global disruption in the arts impacted by Covid19.

If artists, galleries or creator and want to submit their content for review, I kindly invite them to get in touch by emailing me at omar@artbrowserapp.com.

What is the selection process for the content here and how is it curated?

The curation is of great importance for us as it sets the vision and communicates the essence of ABTV. I personally curate the catalogue and have great support from the team with recommendations. The selection process entails shortlisting submissions we receive or licensing content we feel would compliment our ethos and bring great value to our audience in the form of inspiration, insight and entertainment.

We’re currently collaborating with our existing network of inspiring artists, galleries, studios and art institutions. We receive a great number of submissions from creators at various stages of their journey, which has resulted in working on exciting content and projects we’re yet to release. The response has been inspiring and has highlighted a greater need to support filmmakers, directors and content creators in the arts.

If artists, galleries or creator and want to submit their content for review,
I kindly invite them to get in touch by emailing me at omar@artbrowserapp.com or submitting content to submissions@artbrowserapp.com.

What are the benefits of ArtBrowser.tv to your customers?

The curation is of great importance for us as it sets the vision and communicates the essence of ABTV. I personally curate the catalogue and have great support from the team with recommendations. The selection process entails shortlisting submissions we receive or licensing content we feel would compliment our ethos and bring great value to our audience in the form of inspiration, insight and entertainment.

We’re currently collaborating with our existing network of inspiring artists, galleries, studios and art institutions. We receive a great number of submissions from creators at various stages of their journey, which has resulted in working on exciting content and projects we’re yet to release. The response has been inspiring and has highlighted a greater need to support filmmakers, directors and content creators in the arts.

If artists, galleries or creator and want to submit their content for review,
I kindly invite them to get in touch by emailing me at omar@artbrowserapp.com.

Do you have any other projects you’re developing at the moment?

Yes, a few! We just launched the ArtBrowser TV App which is now available on both on the Apple and Google Play Store. We’re now working on building Smart TV Apps to reach households and soon will be live on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon’s Fire TV, Android TV, and more. This is something we’re excited for as we want to bring the channel to households.

We’re looking to help creators monetise their video content and so are also working with them to offer our audience pay per view rentals and content bundle packages in the form of livestream events, films, documentaries, courses and more. These will be available very soon.

How important is technology to collectors and the art world in general at the moment?

A new structural shift in the arts was overdue with technology, social media and digital content now playing a bigger role. Artists, galleries and museums are facing even greater obstacles now and technology can help build a sustainable ecosystem as we adjust to the new normal. However, the importance of technology for the art world will vary and depend on our adaptability in thinking, empathy, understanding culture and the behaviour of people.

Technology alone will not be the answer. I think there needs to be human recognition, creativity, courage and unity. A prime example of this is with the mixed feelings surrounding NFT’s, which ultimately can open more dimensions than ever before with new ways of thinking and the relationship between the art ecosystem and tech. This requires blockchain & creative innovators to push it forward with digestible solutions, institutions and arty folks to embrace, implement and simplify concepts for the masses. It’s something we’ll be backing and diving deeper into with our own solutions.

Watch this space.

Is there a particular piece of work on the platform that has resonated with people most during these times?

We’re finding a lot of people are diving into short art films and documentaries. What’s interesting is that the top three videos are all from different visual arts categories, which include ‘exhibitions’, ‘street art’, and ‘art of fashion’. We know people are becoming more open to exploring other areas of interest and this is what we want to encourage.

How has lockdown impacted the way people experience and engage with visual art?

One of our mottoes at ArtBrowser is “with food, we nourish our bodies, with art we nourish our soul” and the lockdown has definitely given people the chance to tap into their pool of creativity and feed the soul. Whether it’s home DIY projects, software skill development, or arts and craft hobbies, we know people are looking for an outlet for creative expression, which in many ways can be a form of healing and therapy.

I’ve personally witnessed my friends get into artistic hobbies over the last year to deal with anxiety and support their mental health, and now have flourishing side hustles or a new creative release. Online resources and content has played a predominant role and this is ultimately why we want to help more people connect with art via ArtBrowser.TV.

Own Art is proud partners with ArtBrowser and if you’re an Own Art gallery member, you get exclusive profile discounts. Take a look at your membership benefits booklet to see how you can advantage of these Own Art benefits.

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